“Feathered Friends: Birder’s Byway”
Birds and Birding in the Adirondacks
MAY 26 — OCTOBER 9, 2017
Adirondack Museum | Blue Mountain Lake, NY
Coinciding with the opening of the Adirondack Museum on May 26th, 2017 in Blue Mountain Lake, NY visitors of all ages can discover more about birds who live in the Adirondacks and learn some basic tips for learning to identify birds. Outdoor signs sprinkled throughout campus will introduce select species and feature notes on size, coloring, field marks, and songs as well as historical quotes from birders such as John Burroughs, Theodore Roosevelt, and Florence Merriam Bailey. Feathered Friends, an interactive display in the Merwin Hill Pavilion, will highlight birding in the Adirondacks. From the late 1800s to today, birding has been a popular pastime in our region.
During July and August, the exhibition will host a series of bird artisans-in-residence, including Sue deLearie Adair, Donald Polunci, Robert Stump, and more.
From Lake Placid: 1hr 19min, 61 miles
Cost: Children 5 and under free, Adults $20. Discounted admissions available.
Contact: (518) 352-7311
Address: 9097 State Route 30, Blue Mountain Lake, NY 12812
Hours: Museum opens May 26th. Open for events. Visit website for seasonal hours.
Website: http://adkmuseum.org